Dear Dr Avagyan
Thank you for your enquiry and the attached scientific project. Before we can consider this further, we would need to receive copies of the curriculum vitae and publication lists of the scientists involved and a detailed budget of the funds being requested. I am attaching details of our collaborative schemes. Please note that you would need a UK collaborator in order to apply for support.
I look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes
Laura Chambers
Grants Officer
The Wellcome Trust
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7611 8428
Fax: +44 (0)20 7611 8373
E-mail: l.chambers@wellcome.ac.uk
Purpose: These awards enable established research workers based in developing countries, or in the restructuring countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, to undertake a research project in their home laboratory in conjunction with a collaborating laboratory in the UK or the Republic of Ireland (RoI). Applicants for these awards may wish to build on existing links; however, those wishing to create new collaborations are also invited to apply. Studies proposed may be in any area of basic or clinical science which has a bearing on human or veterinary medicine. Research addressing scientific or health issues which are either relevant or specific to the region of origin of the overseas principal applicant is encouraged. The Trust will support cancer research overseas where studies are of particular local significance (full details of the Trust’s policy on funding cancer research are available from the Trust’s website: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/fundingpolicy).
Eligibility: These awards are held jointly by the overseas and UK/RoI collaborating partners (the ‘Principal Applicants’). The Principal Investigator (PI) is the overseas partner, but all funds are administered through the UK/RoI partner’s institution. Both the PI and the UK/RoI partner must hold established posts, at least for the duration of the period of the award.
Applications: Support may be requested for a period of up to three years, to cover the direct costs of research in the PI’s laboratory, including materials and consumables, equipment, and project-dedicated research staff. Support will also cover the costs of travel and subsistence for short annual visits (two to four weeks) between the groups, and a travel allowance is provided for the PI to attend scientific meetings. Consumable costs may also be requested in respect of work to be done in the UK/RoI laboratory by the PI or his/her staff during annual visits. In certain cases ‘research allowances’ may be payable to the PI and his/her staff, supplementing existing salaries. The total award is expected to be up to a value of £120,000 and all costs must be justified in terms of the project to be undertaken. There are no special deadlines for applications, which may be submitted at any time during the year. Full applications are considered on four occasions during the year.
- a brief curriculum vitae and record of most recent/relevant publications for each applicant;
- an outline of the research proposed of not more than two pages, including details of the work-plan and how it will complement ongoing studies in the UK/RoI partner’s laboratory;
- an estimate of the costs, in terms of research consumables, equipment, reciprocal travel and staff;
- letters of support from the heads of the institutions involved.
These should be addressed to:
International Biomedical Programme (CRIG)
The Wellcome Trust
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE
Tel: +44 (0)20 7611 8380/8408/7237/8428
Fax: +44 (0)20 7611 8373
Email: international@wellcome.ac.uk
Web: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/international
Purpose: These awards are designed to enable young postdoctoral research scientists based in developing countries or in the restructuring countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to develop a research programme under the sponsorship of an established scientist in either the United Kingdom (UK) or the Republic of Ireland (RoI). Applications are particularly welcome from candidates who hold or held a fellowship, or who trained for a PhD, in the UK/RoI laboratory with which they wish to collaborate. Those wishing to create a new UK/RoI link are also invited to apply. Studies proposed may be in any area of basic or clinical science which has a bearing on human or veterinary medicine. Proposals which address scientific or health issues relevant or particular to the region of origin of the applicant are especially encouraged. The Trust will support cancer research overseas where studies are of particular local significance.
Eligibility: Candidates must hold a full-time academic appointment, either permanent or for the duration of the proposed study, in their home country (or in any other developing or restructuring country where they may hold a current appointment). Support may be requested for a maximum period of three years. Holders of awards may spend up to three months per year in the UK/RoI sponsoring laboratory, and during this time will receive a subsistence allowance, return travel costs to the UK/RoI, and up to £3,000 per annum in respect of host laboratory research expenses. In addition a sum of up to £12,000 per annum may be requested for research consumables to support the research programme in the holder’s home laboratory. Equipment, up to a value of £15,000, may also be requested for the home laboratory. Travel expenses will also be available to enable the UK/RoI sponsor to make one annual visit (two to four weeks) to the holder’s home institution. A travel allowance is provided for the award holder to attend scientific meetings. In certain cases a research allowance (salary supplement) may be payable to the award holder at the discretion of the Trust.
Applications: Requests for application forms should include the brief curriculum vitae and list of most recent/relevant publications of both the candidate and sponsor; an outline of the research proposed on not more than two pages (also covering the anticipated annual work-plan in both the home and UK/RoI laboratories); the estimated cost of the research, within the limits indicated above; and letters of support from both the academic sponsor in the UK and the head of the applicant’s home institution. There are no special deadlines for applications, which may be submitted at any time during the year. Full applications are considered on three occasions during the year.
These should be addressed to:
International Biomedical Programme (IRDA)
The Wellcome Trust
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE
Tel: +44 171 611 8428 / 7237 / 8380 / 8408
Fax: +44 171 611 8373
Email: international@wellcome.ac.uk
URL: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/international